What is CRM?

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software serves as a tool for efficiently organizing, managing, and accessing pertinent customer data in real-time. It provides marketers and sales professionals with a comprehensive and current perspective on each customer. However, CRM’s primary focus on driving sales can sometimes overshadow the crucial service-oriented obligations that businesses owe to their customers. Over-reliance on CRM solutions may result in missed opportunities to deliver essential customer service.


Here, we explore CRM- what it is, what can it do, and the most important, how your organization can go to deliver a better customer experience.

Types of CRM

Organizations who are interested in the CRM generally having three deployment options: Cloud-based, on-premises, or hybrid. Cloud CRM is one of the most popular choice for the businesses worldwide. On the other hand, On Premises and Hybrid solutions offer their own unique benefits.

Cloud CRM

In 2024, many software-as-a-service (SaaS) technologies operates exclusively in the cloud. Cloud computing involves storing programs and data on remote servers instead of local hardware. Organizations utilize cloud services to access their information via the internet.

Cloud CRM enables businesses to handle customer sales and marketing activities without the expenses and upkeep of on-site systems. Users can access cloud-based CRM and data from anywhere with secure internet access. Plus, off-site solutions are unaffected by local disasters or emergencies like fires or floods.

On-Premises CRM

On-Premises CRM maintain all the related programs and data on side on the company computer and servers. The business deploys and maintains the CRM.

While some believe that on-premises CRM involves more expenses and effort, it can offer better control over sensitive data for organizations with sufficient resources and IT expertise.

Hybrid CRM

Hybrid CRM is the mix of the cloud and on-premises CRM, allowing organizations to switch between the two options. They can maintain most of the data and program in the cloud, while keeping critical information on the suite. For businesses needing to comply with strict data regulations, hybrid cloud offers the benefits of cloud CRM infrastructure while maintaining regulatory compliance.

Open-Source vs Proprietary CRM

While choosing the CRM, organizations have chosen the option between open-source vs proprietary CRM options.

Open Source

Open-source CRM provides flexibility and adaptability by sharing its source code with users. It’s usually cheaper than proprietary options and allows businesses to operate without vendor restrictions. However, it lacks official support and may have limited functionality compared to proprietary CRM systems.

Proprietary CRM

Proprietary CRM tends to be pricier than open-source ones, and users can’t tweak it without help from the vendor. It’s also tricky and costly to switch to another product due to vendor lock-in. However, proprietary CRM typically offers better security and more extensive out-of-the-box features compared to open-source options.

How does a CRM system help a business improve customer relationships?

CRM is an organizational tool. It allows businesses to track their customer record, interaction including leads and opportunities. The main focus of the software is to drive more sales. Most of the businesses are rely to CRM for customer service.

Who uses CRM?

CRM systems gather all customer data and interactions in one place, but they’re usually meant for certain departments, not everyone in the company.

Sales and Marketing Automation

When companies use CRM for sales and marketing, they get a unified view of each customer. It’s dashboards provide a dedicated page for every customer, showing their sales history, past marketing interactions, client information, and more.

Customer Service

After a sale, customer details are accessible to customer service reps, helping them provide better support. However, when specialized knowledge beyond customer service is required, it’s challenging. Customer Service Management (CSM) comes into play here, allowing sharing of customer information with non-support staff to ensure a smooth customer experience.

What are the best CRM Software’s in India?

Kit19 is one of the best AI Automated CRM Software provider. In our company you can book a free demo with our experts and they will guide you. How it is important to your business. Feel free and book your demo.