What is Sales CRM?

Sales CRM

Most of the businesses refers to CRM (Customer Relationship Management) they are referring to a software or a tool that enables them manage and improve their relationships with customers or prospects.

But CRM (Customer Relationship Management) varies, depending upon their usage and on which department it is use. A support team might use a CRM to manage the customer tickets, while the marketing team use the tool to analyze how consumers respond to online campaign. When it comes to sales, a CRM is used to integrate the pipeline management. With a sales CRM tool, you can safely store customer data and drive more sales.

Sales CRM

Every Company needs an effective sales model or a process if they want to scale their business. Behind every sale, there are various steps followed by sales person.

From finding a potential client to close the deal, you need to possess a clear vision of how will approach a potential client.

If your business lacks a up to date process, it becomes extremely difficult to close deals and retain your customers.

Loss of data, miscommunication, and lack of sales insights occur when the business model is not backed by a solid sales process.

The Solution of these painful points is Sales CRM

A sales CRM is a software or a tool that helps you and your team engage with prospects at every point throughout the sales process to retain customer.

It tracks every step of the entire sales and helps you enhance the overall customer journey with advance automation.

In fact, 47% of the CRM users mentioned that using the sales CRM system had an incremental impact on the customer retention. Sales CRM comes with a set of features that enables your team to perform faster and better.

You can optimize your sales process by utilizing CRM software to automate administrative tasks, data entry, and contact management.

Moreover, it is also providing a 360-degree view of the sales pipeline so you can track which lead required more attention and which action and priorities the work flow and manages the time and resources and use it to different place where it required more to grow the business.

Identify the hindrance in the sales process

For companies who don’t use sales CRM to analysing the performance issues can be a real challenge. They have to maintain the massive data in into spreadsheets and fight with Excel formula to just make a meaning at all.

The impressive part of sales CRM is that it handles data analysis for you. Customer information is sync automatically in real time at “same report” which sales department send.

Kit19 WhatsApp Business API sell’s report capabilities

  1. Sales funnel analysis:

This report gives you a clear view of where prospects stand in the pipeline right now. It offers valuable insights into where leads are either won or lost.

  1. Conversion reports.

These reports are handy for managers to evaluate how effectively each sales rep is advancing prospects through the pipeline. Additionally, they can be utilized to check out the overall conversion rates across your sales team.

  1. Forecasted sales

By analysing the value, estimated close date, and the likelihood of winning sales in your pipeline, your sales CRM can predict expected revenues.

  1. Overview Report

Now you can view a breakdown of the activities being performed by you sales reps, including calls, mails, appointment held, tasks completed and more.

There reports can be optimized further as per your need. Kit19 offers best sales CRM Software. In this software you can manage your whole sales pipeline as well as track the employee performance. Kit19 is offering a free demo section with experts who will guide you. What steps are really helpful for your business goals.