WhatsApp Business API: Everything you need to know

Are you interested about How you can take advantages the world’s most popular communication channel for your business? Look no further than WhatsApp API! With over 2.7 billion daily active users.

In this article we guide you the basics and important benefits of the service for SMBs. We will explain its key features, show you how to implement WhatsApp API, managing content and craft effective Message.

Let’s Start

It’s time to unlock the potential of WhatsApp Engagement.

WhatsApp has a 98% of opening rate and 50-80% click through rate makes it the best platform among all in terms of customer reach.

To drive the potential use of WhatsApp for businesses. Meta launches their WhatsApp business API.

WhatsApp Business API was launched to help businesses to communicate with their potential leads and scale their business at the next level.

It’s an official way to engage with your customers at real time and grow the business by 3x.

That’s right! No more worries about number getting blocked.

With Kit19’s Official WhatsApp API Powered platform, Drive the WhatsApp wave to your favor and increase the branding.

What distinguishes the WhatsApp API from the WhatsApp Business App?

While both of the tools are designed for business communication, WhatsApp Business API provides much advance features and integration options.

WhatsApp Business App is free and it is generally used by very small businesses. This app has less features and no integration option. Whereas WhatsApp Business API is a paid service and it is specially designed for the medium and large businesses.

With the advance features of WhatsApp Business API, businesses communicate their customers in personalized manner.

WhatsApp Business API

WhatsApp Business API By Kit19

Explore how kit19 powered WhatsApp business API, can boost your revenue by 30-60% through strategic WhatsApp marketing.

3x Sales with CTA Notifications

Experience the power of the smart CTA-based Notification which include clicking links and quick reply buttons.

WhatsApp CTA notifications drive click rate as per the meta data is 45-60%.

Is WhatsApp Business Right for you?

The Straight forward answer is businesses with 1 – 5 peoples are usually able to manage with the free version WhatsApp business. As the business scales it is recommended to use WhatsApp business API.

But you are still confused about the decision then let’s figure it out.

  1. Business Size: WhatsApp API is designed for the medium and large businesses that need to communicate with a large number of customers.
  2. Communication Volume: If you want to communicate with the large number of clients than WhatsApp API is for you. It is able to send messages in bulk and use chatbots for automate conversations can help businesses and customer relationship more effective.
  3. Integration with other system: if you are using other business tools such as CRM or E-Commerce platforms, WhatsApp API’s ability to integrate with these systems and make a big advantage.
  4. Compliance requirements: If your business operates in an industry with Strict rules and regulations then WhatsApp Business API’s offer pre-approved templates.

If your business is medium to large and you need advance options like chatbots and system integration for large scale customer communication.